Planning a Stress-Free Moving Day

Whether you’ve chosen a move-in ready home or a custom build house, you must get through moving day in order to enjoy your new home. Moving has a reputation for being a stressful activity, but it doesn’t have to be. With a little pre-planning, you can ensure that your day goes as smoothly as possible, so you get can to the fun part of actually settling in in your new home. These tips will help you get ready for moving without the stress that can often go along with the process. 

Make a To-Do List

There are so many things to do to get ready for a move that it can be hard to know where to start. It’s also easy to overlook something important. Before you do anything, make an exhaustive to-do list—this should include everything from booking the movers to forwarding your mail to your new address. Try breaking the list into sections so that it is easy to see which items are time sensitive and which ones can be moved to the back burner. As you cross things off your list, you can feel confident that you’re making the right steps to get ready for the big day. 

Start Packing Early

Packing always takes longer than you think it will, and if you wait until the last minute to get started, you’ll face a full-on moving emergency. Make life easier by starting to pack early in the process. When you start early, you can tackle the job little by little so that it feels less overwhelming. Be sure to label all of the boxes clearly. It also helps to keep a list of what is in each box, so you can find thing easily when you move in. 

Make Plans for Kids and Pets

Moving day typically doesn’t mix well with kids and pets. If possible, find a family member or trusted friend who can take in your kids and pets for the day, so you can focus on the move without also juggling their needs. Your kids and pets will appreciate being spared the commotion of the move, and you’ll appreciate being able to concentrate on moving. 

Moving day is always worth it when you move into a new home in Sierra Vista built by Castle & Cooke. Visit one of our model homes or call us at (520) 378-5110 to find out more about our planned communities or custom-build options.

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